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Intelligence Artificielle

We humans & Artificial Intelligence, what synergies ?

Marco Landi & Chiara Sottocorona
18,96 €

Artificial intelligence has become capable of mimicking human beings, getting better and better, and replacing them in many functions and activities. We now know that it may one day surpass it. Generative AI has triggered the next great technological transformation, The Next Bing Thing, as the Americans say.
This time, however, it will not only be technological : it is the whole of society and humanity itself that is likely to be transformed. Will we be empowered, « increased « in our knowledge and capabilities with the support of ‘artificial intelligence, or rather « diminished, « reduced to unsuspecting performers, in the service of a Super Intelligence ?
«AI still remains an enigma, arousing too much easy enthusiasm and apocalyptic fears.


It is not possible to give an unambiguous definition of Artificial Intelligence, because there is not just one, but many different types. When the pioneers in the field chose this name in the mid-1950s, they no doubt thought in their enthusiasm that they could mathematically describe and imitate the functions of a neuron, then those of a network of neurons, and, by extrapolation, build an artificial human brain that could reproduce one of these capabilities, “intelligence”.It is not possible to give an unambiguous definition of Artificial Intelligence, because there is not just one, but many different types. When the pioneers in the field chose this name in the mid-1950s, they no doubt thought in their enthusiasm that they could mathematically describe and imitate the functions of a neuron, then those of a network of neurons, and, by extrapolation, build an artificial human brain that could reproduce one of these capabilities, “intelligence”.Aside from the fact that we could not agree then, or even now, on what “Intelligence” really is, it would certainly have been more appropriate from the outset to use the terms machine learning or expert system, which describe much better the mechanisms used over the past seventy years and would have had the advantage of not making us fantasize about what the words “Artificial Intelligences” might mean.

Intelligence Artificielle

Fiche technique

Marco Landi & Chiara Sottocorona
Hors Collection
Date de parution
20 Février 2024
Nombre de pages
167 pages
142 x 205 mm